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Student Employee
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Cost Associated with Service
Alertus Desktop Alert
Alertus Desktop Alert is a rapid full-screen broadcasting system used to send alerts to Texas State computers on the Texas State network. In the event of an emergency, Alertus displays effective and timely warnings to the campus community.
- Available to: Faculty, Staff, Student Employees
- Where to use: Texas State Windows and Mac computers, Open Computer Labs
- Cost: Free
Attendance Tracking
Attendance Tracking is an online system used to view and manage the attendance data that is collected when an individual scans their Texas State ID card onto the Card Access Reader of a university Teaching Theater.
- Available to: Faculty
- Where to use: Online, Alkek 250, Centennial Hall 157, LBJ Student Center 4-16.1, or UAC 105.
- Cost: Free
Automatic Call Distributor (ACD) Phones
An Automatic Call Distributor (ACD) phone is a system that distributes incoming calls to a specific group of phones or agents based on a customer's menu selection, incoming telephone number, or time of day. If your department is in need of an ACD phone, please contact ITAC to get started.
- Available to: Faculty and Staff
- Where to use: Texas State phones
- Cost: Varies
Banner Document Management (BDMS)
Banner Document Management (BDMS) is an imaging and electronic document management tool. BDMS integrates with Banner and allows users to securely capture, manage, and access documents across campus.
- Available to: Faculty and Staff
- Where to use: Texas State Windows computers
- Cost: Free
Bobcat Digital Signs
OnSign is the preferred digital sign solution at Texas State. This all-in-one application offers intuitive menus and simple wizards to guide users through a streamlined process of publishing content to multi-region layouts (slides) organized into campaigns. Sign editors with minimal design or technology experience can create engaging messages using the OnSign tools and easily import graphics and media from other sources like PowerPoint.
- Available to: Faculty and Staff
- Where to use: Public-facing areas on campus
- Cost: Varies
Bobcat Experience
Students can now view their university-related information in an exciting new way! Bobcat Experience, a CatsWeb enhancement, streamlines and elevates students’ digital access to campus services. While CatsWeb is still available, Bobcat Experience takes students to the links they need with the polish they deserve.
Bobcatmail (Texas State Email)
Texas State Email, known as BobcatMail, is our official email service. Part of Microsoft 365, BobcatMail integrates with many other Microsoft 365 apps. BobcatMail is available on mobile devices, where you need it, when you need it.
- Available to: Faculty, Staff, Students, Retirees
- Where to use: online, mobile devices
- Cost: Free
Bulk Email Builder
The Bulk Email Builder is used to assist with managing lists of students, faculty, and staff, and communicating with the university community. Download lists and also upload lists to create short-term distribution lists for easy sending.
- Available to: Faculty and Staff
- Where to use: Online
- Cost: Free
Business Process Management
Business Process Management helps departments improve efficiency by managing and optimizing business processes. This includes evaluation of current processes and the development of automated solutions.
- Available to: Faculty and Staff
- Cost: Free
Campus Directory
The Campus Directory is the best way to find fellow Bobcats. Part of the Online Toolkit, log in and access directory information for Faculty, Staff, Students, and departments.
- Available to: Faculty, Staff, Students
- Where to use: Online
- Cost: Free
Canva is an online design platform that allows users to crate professional looking visual content with access TXST brand assets.
- Available to: Faculty, Staff, Students
- Where to use: Online
- Cost: Free
Canvas, the collaborative learning environment at Texas State, connects the classroom to the web by bringing course materials, class discussions, assignments and quizzes online. Faculty can set up course sites to enhance classroom instruction or deliver distance learning. Students can connect and interact with their courses and view their grades on the web.
- Available to: Faculty, Staff, Students
- Where to use: Online
- Cost: Free
Computer Backup
CrashPlan is an easy-to-use, efficient, and secure computer backup service that stores encrypted file backups in a secure remote location for disaster recovery.
- Available to: Faculty and Staff
- Where to use: Texas State Windows, Mac, and Linux computers
- Cost: Free
Computer Part and Accessory Purchasing
We can assist with ordering computer parts and accessories on your behalf and paid for by your department.
- Available to: Faculty and Staff
- Where to use: Texas State devices
- Cost: Varies
Computer Re-Image Services
Computer Re-image Services are available to qualified computers. We re-image TXST computers that meet the current minimum hardware configuration specifications with the Standard Software Image.
- Available to: Faculty, Staff, Student Employees
- Where to use: Texas State Windows and Mac computers
- Cost: Varies
Computer Repair
Computer Repair services are offered on personal and Texas State computers. Bring your device to one of our Service Centers and get a repair estimate.
- Available to: Faculty, Staff, Students
- Where to use: Texas State Windows and Mac computers, personal computers
- Cost: Varies
Computer Replacement Program (CRP)
The Computer Replacement Program (CRP) is in place to maintain standardized high-quality computers at Texas State. CRP computers are optimally configured with no additional options or modifications and are designed to perform for at least a four-year lifecycle.
- Available to: Faculty and Staff
- Where to use: Texas State Windows and Mac computers
- Cost: Varies
Course Evaluations
Course Evaluations, powered by EvaluationKIT, are questionnaires that can be sent to all enrolled students of a course to evaluate the instruction of the course near the end of each term.
- Available to: Faculty and Staff
- Where to use: Texas State Windows and Mac computers, personal computers
- Cost: Free
Database Services
Database Services provide access to a Microsoft SQL server without having to support the SQL service. This service is provided by request and upon an evaluation of departmental business need.
- Available to: Faculty and Staff
- Cost: Free
Department Funded Technology Purchasing (DFP)
Department Funded Purchases (DFP) can be used to purchase standard or customer Dell and Apple computers. IT Division staff are available to assist with these orders.
- Available to: Faculty and Staff
- Where to use: Texas State Windows or Mac computers
- Cost: Varies
Department Share Drive
Access Department Share Drive files from a desktop, laptop, lab computer, or mobile device on- or off-campus. By default, all employees have access to their department's drive. Folders that need to be locked down to smaller groups within the department can be created upon request. Access your share drive files online via Texas State WebFiles.
- Available to: Faculty, Staff, Student Employees
- Where to use: Texas State Windows and Mac computers, online
- Cost: Free
Device Encryption
Device Encryption reduces the risk of exposing confidential data through stolen or lost equipment by using operating system specific applications, BitLocker for Windows and FileVault2 for Mac. This service uses full-disk encryption solutions that meet industry and State of Texas Administrative Code (TAC 202) standards.
- Available to: Faculty, Staff, Student Employees
- Where to use: Texas State Windows and Mac computers
- Cost: Free
Device Health and Management
Device Health and Management delivers monthly updates and patches applied to managed Texas State computers via Software Center (Windows), Microsoft automatic updates, and LANrev (Mac). This practice maintains computer health and helps to protect confidential and sensitive university data.
- Available to: Faculty, Staff, Student Employees
- Where to use: Texas State Windows and Mac computers
- Cost: Free
Distance Learning Platform (DLP)
The Distance Learning Platform (DLP) is technology installed in select academic classrooms that offer faculty a supported, professional audio and video educational environment for synchronous distance education.
- Available to: Faculty, Staff
- Where to use: Select San Marcos and Round Rock Campus (RRC) classrooms
- Cost: Varies
Distance Learning Virtual Computer Lab
The Distance Learning Virtual Computer Lab connects students taking computer-based or correspondence courses with resources that would normally be found on campus only. Faculty must request access on a semester-by-semester basis for students taking their classes.
- Available to: Faculty and Students (in specific classes)
- Where to use: Texas State Windows and Mac computers, personal computers, online
- Cost: Free
Duo Multi-factor Authentication
Duo is a secure multi-factor authentication method. Two steps are required for successful access. It is a safer way to log into select Texas State online services and adds an increased level of security for your account and Texas State confidential information.
- Available to: Faculty, Staff, Students
- Where to use: Online
- Cost: Free
eduroam Wi-Fi Network
The eduroam Wi-Fi Network is a secure service providing high-speed wireless Internet access to 12,000 academic and research institutions worldwide, including 450 locations in the United States.
- Available to: Faculty, Staff, Students (when visiting participating institutions) and TXST Visitors (from participating institutions)
- Where to use: At participating academic and research institutions worldwide
- Cost: Free
Electronic signatures
Electronic signatures can be captured using Adobe Sign. Adobe Sign is an e-signature tool that replaces paper and ink signatures with automated electronic signatures. Texas State users have sent more than 10,000 documents using this popular tool as of June 2019. Easily send, sign, track, and manage signature processes using a web browser or mobile device.
- Available to: Faculty, Staff, Student Employees, Graduate Assistants; however, anyone can sign.
- Where to use: Online, mobile devices
- Cost: Free
Email Alias
Email Alias allows you to customize your Texas State email address to make it more personal or professional. For example, instead of you can change it to Locate the Email Alias option in the Online Toolkit.
- Available to: Faculty, Staff, Students
- Where to use: Online
- Cost: Free
Email Conscribed Lists
Email Conscribed Lists are continually updated, large-scale distribution lists specific to individuals who share the same relationship to the university. Permissions are granted on a limited basis. To create a new list or access to send to an existing list, Vice Presidents or their Executive Assistants should contact ITAC to begin the request process.
- Available to: Faculty and Staff
- Where to use: Outlook
- Cost: Free
Email Distribution List
An Email Distribution List is a single email address that is used to send a message to multiple Texas State users who are part of the list.
- Available to: Faculty, Staff, Student Employees
- Where to use: Online
- Cost: Free
Email Encryption
Email Encryption follows industry best practices by using policy-based email encryption tools that aid in preventing the exposure of university confidential data through loss or leakage. These tools protect and secure confidential email content, while still making secure emails readily available to appropriate affiliates, business partners, and end users - on their desktops and mobile devices. It is everyone’s responsibility to protect and secure university data from unauthorized or unintentional data exposure.
- Available to: Faculty, Staff, Students
- Where to use: Outlook, online
- Cost: Free
Email Forward (for Graduated Students)
Email Forward (for Graduated Students) forwards mail sent to your BobcatMail address to another external email address that you define.
- Available to: Graduated Students (with no other active TXST affiliation)
- Where to use: Online
- Cost: Free
Employee Separations
Employee Separation forms must be submitted when employees leave the university. Use these forms if an employee is transferring to or from another department or separates from the university. The appropriate separation form should be submitted as soon as the employee's last day of employment is determined. Only someone who holds the role in SAP called Department Head is allowed to submit Emergency Separation requests.
- Available to: Faculty and Staff
- Where to use: Online
- Cost: Free
ePortfolio includes academic program assessment tracking, course evaluations, internal department applications, internship/field experience support, longitudinal assessment, and portfolio assessment.
- Available to: Faculty, Staff, Students
- Where to use: Online
- Cost: Free
Event Live Streaming
Event Live Streaming is available to assist in successfully hosting live stream campus events. Live streams are hosted on TXST websites and provide a one-way audio and video feed from your event for viewers all around the world to access. Live stream events are designed for events that plan to attract more than 300 online viewers. If you need to schedule an event in a supported campus space and you plan to stream the event live, we can support you.
- Available to: Faculty and Staff
- Where to use: Supported campus event spaces
- Cost: Varies
Event Management System (EMS)
The Event Management System (EMS) is a cloud-based room reservation and space management system used for specific spaces at TXST. There are three primary stakeholder groups who manage space in EMS, including the LBJ Student Center, University Libraries, and the University Registrar.
- Available to: Faculty, Staff, Students, and Student Organizations
- Where to use: Online
- Cost: Free
Faculty Profiles
Faculty Profiles connects faculty across disciplines by providing an accurate snapshot of their work. It syncs with the Faculty Qualifications System, giving a view into faculty research, awards, scholarly/creative work, teaching, grants, and more.
Students, staff, and people outside the university can access faculty profiles to find out more about the faculty who teach at Texas State University.
- Available to: Students, Faculty, Staff, Visitors
- Where to use: Online
- Cost: Free
Faculty Qualifications
The Faculty Qualifications System is the primary system used for Faculty Annual Review. Faculty are also able to enter information from curriculum vitae and have the system generate the properly formatted Texas State University vita, allowing faculty to keep their data all in one system. Faculty enter their data once and are able to use it in a multitude of ways.
- Available to: Faculty
- Where to use: Online
- Cost: Free
Gato Content Management System
Gato is Texas State's web content management system and the official website tool for academic and administrative department websites. It enables users to easily create and manage sophisticated websites without having to know complex web technologies or programming languages.
- Available to: Faculty, Staff, Student Employees
- Where to use: Online
- Cost: Free
Graphic design, image, and video editing tools
Graphic design, photo, and video editing tools are provided through Adobe Creative Cloud. Adobe Creative Cloud is an expansive collection of over 20 professional level tools for graphic design, image and video editing, effects creation, web, and application development. You decide which apps you use and which you don't, making it easier than ever to work and design.
- Availability to: Faculty, Staff, Student Employees, Graduate Assistants, Students
- Where to use: Texas State Windows and Mac computers, Open Computer Labs, personal computers
- Cost: Free for Faculty, Staff, Student Employees, and Graduate Assistants.
Group Mailing List
Group Mailing Lists enable users to send an email to a group of individuals via a single email address without having to add the individual email addresses for all participants. Group members are able to easily read and respond to messages within a single email chain, as well as subscribe and unsubscribe from the list as needed. List managers have the ability to add and remove members and moderate messages before they are delivered to the group.
- Available to: Faculty, Staff
- Where to use: Online
- Cost: Free
Group Policy Management
Group Policy Management defines what a computer system will look like and how it will behave for a defined group of users. Some examples include web browser settings or printer and drive mapping. Technical Support Personnel (TSP) may request new group policy settings for computers within their department or organization.
- Available to: Faculty and Staff (Technical Support Personnel)
- Where to use: Texas State Windows computers
- Cost: Free
Hard Drive and Media Destruction
All stored data remains on your computer even after you delete files, empty the trash, or re-format drives. When your old computer is sent to the warehouse, included in the disposal process is Hardware Media and Destruction service, whereby the IT Division removes the computer hard drive and destroy it. This practice ensures that no confidential or sensitive data leaves the university.
- Available to: Faculty, Staff, Student Employees
- Where to use: Texas State Windows and Mac computers
- Cost: Free
IT Business Contract Services
IT Business Contract Services reviews and consults about new or renewing IT-related hardware, software, and service agreements. We verify proper documentation and attachments to comply with university policies.
- Available to: Faculty and Staff
- Cost: Free
IT Project Management
T Project Management follows Project Management Methodology (PMM) which is a set of processes and tools to manage projects and report progress. We offer project management assistance on technology projects.
- Available to: Faculty and Staff
- Cost: Free
IT Supported Academic Classrooms
IT Supported Academic Classrooms are funded by the IT Division and supported by ITAC. Supporting these classrooms is ITAC's primary priority. For a list of contact information and ownership of IT Supported Academic Classrooms, please visit the Registrar's First Call Room Contacts.
- Available to: Faculty, Staff, and Students
- Where to use: University
- Cost: Free
KwikFone Directory
The KwikFone Directory is a handy, quick-reference guide, containing key campus department and office main phone numbers. It is updated annually and made available as a PDF file that can be downloaded or printed for convenience.
- Available to: Faculty, Staff, Students
- Where to use: Online or print
- Cost: Free
Laptop Checkout
Laptop computers may be checked out from the Computer Lab located on the fourth (4th) floor of the Alkek Library by Texas State students, faculty and staff.
- Available to: Faculty, Staff, and Students
- Where to use: Texas State
- Cost: Free
Learning Spaces Design and Consultation
The Learning Spaces Design team can provide you with ideas for developing your space to meet your Audio/Visual (A/V) presentation needs.
- Available to: Faculty, Staff
- Where to use: Campus
- Cost: Varies
LinkedIn Learning
LinkedIn Learning offers video-based courses taught by industry experts in applictions, creative, and business skills. Achieve your personal and professional goals with access to thousands of courses.
- Available to: Faculty, Staff, Students
- Where to use: Texas State devices, mobile devices, Open Computer Labs
- Cost: Free
Long Distance PIN
Long Distance PINs are six-digit codes used to make long distance phone calls from campus offices. Available by request, PINs are assigned to individual faculty and staff, and usage costs are billed to the respective department.
- Available to: Faculty and Staff
- Where to use: Texas State phones
- Cost: Varies
Mac anti-virus protection
Mac anti-virus protection is offered via Microsoft Devender Advanced Threat Protection. Keeping your system secure should always be a priority. IT offers virus protection software for both PCs and Macs.
- Available to: Faculty, Staff, Students
- Cost: Free
Maxient is a third-party vendor case management system utilized across multiple campus divisions.Campus departments limit the number of users within the system. To request access, contact your department stakeholder responsible for the system.
- Available to: Faculty and Staff
- Where to use: Online
- Cost: Free
Microsoft 365
Microsoft 365 includes downloadable apps for Windows and Mac computers, as well as cloud-based versions of many apps, all of which can be accessed through the web. In all, there are about 20 apps available, aimed at helping productivity and increasing success.
- Available to: Faculty, Staff, Students
- Where to use: Most devices
- Cost: Free
Microsoft Copilot
Microsoft Copilot is an artificial intelligence (AI) tool that is integrated into your existing Microsoft 365 account at TXST. Copilot works alongside you, embedded in the apps you use every day — Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Teams and more — to unleash creativity, unlock productivity and uplevel skills.
- Available to: Faculty and Staff
- Where to use: Texas State Windows and Mac computers, Online
- Cost: Free
Microsoft Dynamics Marketing
Microsoft Dynamics Marketing is
- Available to: Faculty, Staff, Students
- Where to use: Web-based
- Cost: Free
Microsoft Learn
Microsoft Learn is a free, online training platform that provides interactive learning for Microsoft products and more. Bobcats can get access to special features by signing in with their Texas State NetID.
- Available to: Faculty, Staff, Students
- Where to use: Web-based
- Cost: Free
MiFi Hotspot
MiFi Hotspots are portable wireless devices that act as WiFi hotspots. These devices can be requested and purchased from IT Business Services.
- Available to: Faculty and Staff
- Where to use: Anywhere with available cellular network
- Cost: Varies
Mobile Device Management
Mobile Device Management powered by Jamf Pro allows departmental administrators to securely and remotely manage TXST iOS and iPadOS devices. This service maintains iPhone and iPad device health and helps to protect confidential and sensitive university data.
- Available to: Faculty, Staff, Student Employees
- Where to use: Texas State iPhones and iPads
- Cost: Funded by Division of IT
Your NetID, along with your password, allows you to log into Texas State online services. Students and Applicants are automatically provided with NetIDs. Faculty and Staff can request NetIDs for new employees or sponsored Texas State guests.
- Available to: Faculty, Staff, Students, Student Applicants, Retirees, Guests
- Where to use: Texas State online services
- Cost: Free
Network and Data Ports
Texas State provides state-of-the-art, high speed Internet and Network services in all buildings and residence halls. Data Ports provide Internet access, via ethernet cables, to computers, printers, servers, and other wired devices. Complete a request form for new ports or to report a damaged port.
- Available to: Faculty, Staff, Students
- Where to use: Campus buildings
- Cost: Varies
Network Cable Location Services
Through Network Cable Locate services, we provide expert cable location services finding wired and wireless network in current campus structures.
- Available to: Faculty and Staff
- Where to use: Campus buildings
- Cost: Varies
OneTimeLink Secure Messages
With OneTimeLink Secure Messages, create a message and then generate a one-time-use link that you send to someone. Once clicked, the link expires and the message disappears.
- Available to: Faculty, Staff, Students
- Where to use: Online
- Cost: Free
Online Toolkit
Change your NetID password, create a personalized BobcatMail address, change your voicemail PIN, access the campus directory, and much more with the Online Toolkit.
- Available to: Faculty, Staff, Students, Student Applicants, Retirees
- Where to use: Online
- Cost: Free
Passphrases are passwords made up of at least 15 characters. They are significantly safer than previous password standards and also easier to remember. As of June 27, 2019, anyone with a NetID will need to use a passphrase when updating their password.
- Available to: Faculty, Staff, Students
- Where to use: Online
- Cost: Free
Password Management
Password management is provided by LastPass. LastPass is a cloud-based password management tool equipped with all the necessary features for managing and protecting your passwords, including website logins, addresses, and Wi-Fi passwords.
- Enterprise version available to: Faculty, Staff, Student Employees, and Graduate Assistants
- Premium (personal) version available to: Students, Faculty, Staff
- Where to use: Online, mobile devices
- Cost: Free
Personal Hardware Purchases
We pass along Personal Hardware Purchase information given to us by various vendors who offer discounts to Faculty, Staff, and Students. We recommend that backup capability be included with any computer purchase.
- Available to: Faculty, Staff, Students
- Where to use: Personal computers
- Cost: Varies
Phone Services
Phone Services are available in academic and administrative buildings and residence halls. Requests can be submitted for new service and for repair existing phone services.
- Available to: Faculty, Staff, Student Employees
- Where to use: Academic and administrative buildings, residence halls
- Cost: Varies
Photo Update
Photos uploaded to Microsoft 365 display in Outlook, Teams, and throughout other Microsoft 365 apps and tools. New photo uploads will not replace your official Texas State ID card photo. Contact ID Services with questions about your ID card photo.
- Available to: Faculty, Staff, Students
- Where to use: Online
- Cost: Free
Physical Server Management
We assist departments with storing and managing physical servers in the Texas State data centers through a service called Physical Server Management. This service is provided by request and includes an evaluation of departmental business need.
- Available to: Faculty and Staff
- Where to use: Texas State data centers
- Cost: Free
Plagarism prevention
Plagarism prevention and detection services are provided by Turnitin. Turnitin is a service that allows papers to be checked against a continually updated database and the internet for originality. Multiple grading and feedback options are available to improve student writing. Turnitin is available in Canvas Assignments.
- Available to: Faculty
- Where to use: Canvas, and
- Cost: Free
Printer Networking and Connection
Via the Printer Networking and Connection service, request a printer be added to the ITAC Print Servers and automatically connect to department computers.
- Available to: Faculty and Staff
- Where to use: Texas State printers
- Cost: Free
QUAL TXST Reporting (Logi)
QUAL TXST Reporting (Logi) is a pre-production version of the production (PROD) version of TXST Reporting (Logi). This QUAL environment is used for report owners to test reports and data outcomes prior to moving to production. Once testing is completed, the report is moved to PROD.
- Available to: Faculty and Staff
- Where to use: Online
- Cost: Free
Qwest Voice Conferencing
Qwest Voice Conferencing offers an audio conference bridge for departments to host conference calls. The host provides guests with an 800 number and a conference code to dial in and attend the audio conference meeting. Fees apply per call.
- Available to: Faculty and Staff
- Where to use: Phone
- Cost: Varies
Remote Desktop Connection
With Remote Desktop Connection, you can remotely connect from one computer to a Texas State computer -- on or off campus.
- Available to: Faculty, Staff, Student Employees
- Where to use: Texas State Mac or Windows computers, online
- Cost: Free
Research Computing
We manage High Performance Computing (HPC) resources that include the STAR Cluster, LEAP Cluster, and Science DMZ.
- Available to: Faculty
- Cost: Free
Residence Hall Network
The Residence Hall Network (ResNet) is the network service for students living in residence halls at Texas State. ResNet protects computers from virus attacks and prevents the spread of attacks through the Texas State network.
- Available to: Students in residence halls
- Where to use: Residence halls, Bobcat Village
- Cost: Free
Role Management
Role Management is a tool that allows role managers to add or remove user access from groups, such as department share drives and shared mailboxes or calendars. Log into the Online Toolkit and click Role Management.
- Available to: Faculty, Staff, Student Employees
- Where to use: Online
- Cost: Free
Room Resource Calendar
Room Resource Calendars are Outlook calendars assigned to specific conference rooms, meeting rooms, or labs. These help owners manage room bookings. No email is assigned to this resource type.
- Available to: Faculty, Staff, Student Employees
- Where to use: Texas State Windows and Mac computers, online
- Cost: Free
SAP Business Client
The SAP Business Client is used to access the SAP administrative database. The SAP Business Client is not needed to enter time sheet information or view your electronic paycheck stub. For those tasks, visit the SAP Portal.
- Available to: Faculty, Staff, Student Employees
- Where to use: Texas State Windows computers
- Cost: Free
Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP)
Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) technology moves files securely from one server to another.
- Available to: Faculty, Staff, Students
- Where to use: Texas State Windows and Mac computers, personal computers
- Cost: Free
Security Groups
Security Groups are used to add or remove user access to services such as network printers, reports, or specific services. To manage access, group managers should log into the Online Toolkit and click Role Management.
- Available to: Faculty and Staff
- Where to use: Online
- Cost: Free
Server Load Balancing
Server Load Balancing is assisting departments with application load balancing by use multiple, identical servers. This is used to increase the reliability of a service in case of individual server failure, allow maintenance while keeping the service up, and spread processing across multiple systems to improve performance. This service is provided by request and includes an evaluation of departmental business need.
- Available to: Application Administrators
- Where to use: Texas State data centers
- Cost: Free
Service Account
A Service Account is assigned to a specific information resource or resource group to facilitate services by an external support provider (a support service account) or to authenticate one system or resource to another (a system service account).
- Available to: Faculty, Staff, Student Employees
- Where to use: Texas State Mac or Windows computers, online
- Cost: Free
Shared Mailbox and Calendar
Shared Mailboxes and Calendars allow multiple people to receive email sent to a group address and manage a group calendar.
- Available to: Faculty, Staff, Student Organizations
- Where to use: Texas State Windows and Mac computers, online
- Cost: Free
Signup Reservation System
Signup Reservation System allows users to signup for a workshop, presentation, meeting, or any other event requiring a reservation. Users will be sent automatic reminders about the event and allowed to cancel their reservation if needed.
- Available to: Faculty, Staff
- Where to use: Online
- Cost: Free
Social Media Management
Social media management services are offered through Hootsuite. Hootsuite is a social media management tool that helps track and manage social media networks, monitor what others are saying about their organizations, and analyze social outreach efforts to see what works with their audiences.
The enterprise version of Hootsuite also meets university information security standards and is accessible through your Texas State NetID and password - protecting your privacy, data, and information.
- Available to: Faculty, Staff, and Students
- Cost: $400 a year per license.
Software Center for Windows
Software Center is your home for downloading Texas State managed software on Texas State Windows computers that are also on the Texas State domain.
- Available to: Faculty, Staff, and Student Employees
- Where to use: Texas State Windows computers
- Cost: Free
Software Packaging
Do you have a license for software that needs to be installed on several computers? Through our Software Packaging service, we work with you to determine the best method to install software on multiple computers.
- Available to: Faculty and Staff
- Where to use: Texas State Windows and Mac computers
- Cost: Free
Software Purchasing
Browse our list of previously reviewed software before you start the software procurement process.
- Available to: Faculty, Staff
- Cost: Varies
Structured Query Language (SQL) Cluster Database
Microsoft Structured Query Language (SQL) Cluster allows users to connect several servers to a single database. SQL Clusters at Texas State are used by applications and services hosted in the data center. The cluster is not meant for classroom or academic use.
- Available to: Faculty and Staff (Technical Support Personnel)
- Where to use: Texas State servers
- Cost: Free
Superuser (SU) Account
A Superuser (SU) Account is a NetID based user account that allows the user to be granted elevated privileges in a computer or application. The format of an SU Account is the user's NetID with "su-" in front of it. Examples of privileges include local admin access to Windows servers or desktops or root access to Linux servers.
- Available to: Faculty and Staff (Technical Support Personnel), and Student Workers (by Faculty/Staff request)
- Where to use: Texas State servers and applications
- Cost: Free
Surplus Computer Program
When available, the IT Division offers Surplus Computers that meet the Texas State minimum hardware configuration requirements. These refurbished computers are a cost effective option for departments, and supplies are limited.
- Available to: Faculty and Staff
- Where to use: Texas State Windows and Mac computers
- Cost: Varies
Survey functionality is provided by Qualtrics. Qualtrics is an advanced, secure, professional survey tool used by leading researchers at finer higher education institutions across the nation.
- Available to: Faculty, Staff, Students
- Where to use: Online
- Cost: Free
Teaching Theaters
Teaching Theaters are state-of-the-art learning spaces that utilize a diverse array of media and technology to provide creative teaching and learning opportunities for large audiences.
- Available to: Faculty, Staff
- Where to use: Alkek 250, Centennial Hall 157, LBJ Student Center 4-16.1
- Cost: Varies
Teaching, Learning, and Working Remotely at TXST
Texas State has IT tools and services available to help faculty, staff, and students teach, work, and learn from virtually anywhere.
- Available to: Faculty, Students, Staff
- Cost: Free
Texas State Alerts
The TXState Alert system is an emergency notification system that sends text messages to your mobile phone. Setup your mobile phone for TXState Alerts today!
- Available to: Faculty, Staff, Students
- Cost: Free
Texas State Mobile App
TXST Mobile is new and improved for 2019-2020! Download the official Texas State University app and get access to news and events, course scheduling, billing and registration holds through the new "My TXST" module, and an improved shuttle mapping system that can remember your favorites, and so much more. Download the new app today, and if you already have TXST Mobile, make sure you update to the new app as soon as possible.
- Available to: Faculty, Staff, Students
- Where to use: Mobile Device
- Cost: Free
Texas State RemoteApps
Texas State RemoteApps lets you access online tools like the SAP Portal, SAP Business Client, Microsoft Office, and Internet Explorer from both Windows and Mac computers. Remote Desktop for Mac software is required on Mac computers.
- Available to: Faculty, Staff, and Student Employees
- Where to use: Texas State Windows and Mac computers, Online
- Cost: Free
Top Hat
Top Hat, the university's audience response system, allows students to use their own mobile devices to answer polls and engage with content presented during lectures.
- Available to: Faculty, Staff, and Students
- Where to use: Online, University-owned, and personal computers
- Cost: Free
Training, Workshops, and Events
Training, Workshops, and Events are available to help you use technology for teaching, learning, and general productivity. Some workshops are conducted in a classroom setting in one of our training labs; others are conducted online.
- Available to: Faculty, Staff, Students
- Where to use: Training labs; Online
- Cost: Free
TTY Telecommunication Relay Service
A Text Telephone (or TTY) is a special device that lets people who are deaf, hard of hearing, or speech-impaired use the telephone to communicate by text message.
- Available to: Faculty, Staff, Students
- Cost: Varies
TXST File Transfer
TXST File Transfer, powered by LiquidFiles, allows you to securely send files to TXST faculty, staff, and students and to those outside of Texas State. Files are encrypted during the upload and download process.
- Available to: Faculty, Staff, Students
- Where to use: Online
- Cost: Free
TXST Reporting (Logi)
TXST Reporting is the university's internal analytics reporting service. It provides business offices the ability to generate operational transactional reports for internal university business. Texas State uses Logi Analytics framework to develop and display these internal reports.
- Available to: Faculty and Staff
- Where to use: Online
- Cost: Free
UDrive Individual Cloud Storage
With UDrive Individual Cloud Storage, access important files from your desktop, laptop, or lab computer anywhere on- or off-campus. The UDrive is a network storage space that provides 5 GB of online storage. With Texas State WebFiles, access your UDrive files from any web browser.
- Available to: Faculty, Staff, Students
- Where to use: Texas State Windows and Mac computers, personal computers, online
- Cost: Free
University Data Store
The University Data Store is a set of operational reporting databases. This system replicates data from production Banner, DegreeWorks, and SAP and feeds data to reporting and other information technology systems. Data is replicated three times daily: 6 a.m., noon, and 7 p.m.
- Available to: Faculty and Staff
- Where to use: Texas State Reports and other specific systems
- Cost: Free
University Events Calendar
The University Events Calendar is a publicly accessible online calendar that contains university approved and sponsored events. Public events are open to a large audience, such as all students, staff, faculty, or the general public.
- Available to: Faculty, Staff, Students
- Where to use: Online
- Cost: Free
University URL
Using University URL, you can get a random URL under to use for shorter links to some web pages and meetings.
- Available to: Faculty, Staff
- Where to use: Only to link to pages and sites containing university business
- Cost: Free
Video Conference Consultations
Video Conference Consultations are available to assist with learning how to use Zoom or Teams Live in departmental meeting spaces. This consultation service take place ahead of an upcoming important online meeting or interview.
- Available to: Faculty and Staff
- Where to use: Departmental meeting spaces
- Cost: Varies
Virtual Private Network (VPN)
The Virtual Private Network (VPN) securely connects faculty, staff, and contract employees to the Texas State network through an encrypted connection.
- Available to: Faculty, Staff, and Students (in specific classes)
- Where to use: Windows and Mac computers, mobile devices; online
- Cost: Free
Virtual Server Management (Hosted Service)
Virtual Server Management (Hosted Service) is offered by request and upon an evaluation of departmental business need. Application Administrators and Technology Resources Systems Team staff must adhere to the Server Administration Guidelines to maintain a secure server environment.
- Available to: Faculty and Staff (Technical Support Personnel)
- Where to use: Texas State servers
- Cost: Free
Voicemail combines traditional voicemail functionality with email. Via the phone, dial in and listen to your voicemail messages. Using Outlook (or BobcatMail), receive emails containing your voice message.
- Available to: Faculty and Staff
- Where to use: Texas State phones, Mac and Windows computers, personal computers, mobile devices
- Cost: Free
Windows Anti-Virus Protection
Keeping your system secure should always be a priority. IT offers virus protection software for both PCs and Macs.
- Available to: Faculty, Staff, Students
- Cost: Free
Wireless (Wi-Fi) Network
Our Wireless (Wi-Fi) Network provides high speed wireless Internet access covering virtually the entire campus in both San Marcos and Round Rock, indoors and outdoors.
- Available to: Faculty, Staff, Students, Visitors, Future Students
- Where to use: Inside and outside campus buildings
- Cost: Free
WP Personal Websites
WP Personal Websites, powered by CampusPress, allows users to create a simple website or blog for yourself, a class, your club, or your research. Choose from nearly 100 accessible-ready themes to quickly and easily create your site or blog.
- Available to: Faculty, Staff, Students
- Where to use: Online
- Cost: Free
YuJa was selected to replace Mediaflo as Texas State's video platform. It integrates with Canvas, the university's learning management system. In addition, YuJa offers a variety of enhanced features, including unlimited video storage, built-in video editing tools, variable playback speeds, auto-transcription, and more.
- Available to: Faculty, Staff, Students
- Where to use: Online
- Cost: Free
Zoom is a web-conferencing tool. Its highly accessible features allow you to attend video or audio meetings, hold webinars, share presentations and transfer files, teach and attend online classes in real time, and much more. Meetings can be joined from desktop computers, laptops, tablets, or smartphones. Sessions can be recorded so those who cannot attend can still benefit from this tool.
- Available to: Faculty, Staff, and Students
- Where to use: Online, University-owned, and personal computers
- Cost: Free