Retiree Information

Congratulations on your upcoming retirement! We know you've made all the necessary arrangements with the appropriate offices, but you may be wondering what IT services you will still have access to once you're retired. The below information should help understand which services will be available to you upon your retirement.

ServiceAvailable upon retirement?
Texas State E-Mail Account (upon request)Yes*
Research ComputingNo
Texas State NetID (upon request)Yes
Microsoft 365 Online PlatformYes**
Access to Secure TXST-Bobcats Wireless NetworkYes
Access to unsecure, open TXST-Visitor Wireless NetworkYes
Access to Eduroam When Visiting Other Participating CampusesNo
Access to the Virtual Private Network (VPN)No
Access to Personal Hardware PurchasesYes
Access to Service Center for Personally Owned Computers (hardware repairs for a fee)Yes
Access to ITAC Help DeskYes
Access to DUO Multi-Factor AuthenticationYes
Access to CanvasYes
Access to Adobe SignNo
Access to Adobe Creative CloudNo
Access to SPSSNo
Access to LastPassYes***
Appear in Texas State People SearchYes
Included in University Distribution ListsYes

* Retiree email accounts which are not accessed for more than 180 days are considered inactive and will be deactivated per UPPS 04.01.12.

** Retirees will have access to the online versions of Microsoft 365 tool, but will not have access to desktop versions of Microsoft tools. 

*** Premium personal account access as long as Texas State email address is active.