ERP Assessment

TXST is launching a project to evaluate ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems used for HR & Finance, and Student Information. Currently, TXST uses SAP and Banner (respectively) as our vendor solution. Our current solution is aging and as our university grows and evolves the need for a modern, scalable, solution is critical.
We hope this website helps answer questions you may have and will keep you informed on our progress. If you have a question not answered on this site, let us know by completing our Question and Feedback form.
Come back often! We'll keep this page updated with project status and new information as it becomes available.
Save the Date and Join Our Vendor Demonstrations!
Vendor demonstrations have been scheduled and more information about the demos will be posted when it is known.
Ellucian: April 3rd and 4th
Oracle: April 29th and 30th
Workday: May 6th and 7th
Assessment Team Members
View our Assessment Team Members page and see who is representing your area. Reach out to them and have your voice heard!
Why is TXST looking to potentially replace our ERP?
Our current SAP and Banner solutions are aging and the need for a modern, scalable, and more robust system is apparent. Our university continues to grow, and having a more interconnected, seamless ERP system is critical to our operations.
Which vendor solutions are in the running?
We are exploring ERP solutions from three leading vendors:
- Ellucian
- Oracle
- Workday
Who is involved in the process?
Stakeholders from across the university are being assembled as our evaluation team. Vendors will also have campus-wide, interactive sessions showcasing each vendor's vision for TXST's future ERP system. Visit our ERP Assessment Team Members page to find out who is representing your area.
Will the entire system be implemented all at once?
No. The HR & Finance solution will be implemented first and then moving on to the Student Information solution.
What's the project timeline?
Currently, our timeline looks like
- May 2025 – Vendor assessments completed
- June 2025 – Vendors submit refined financial estimates
- September 2025 – ERP selection finalized
- September 2026 – ERP purchase planned
- 2027-2028 – HR & Finance implementation
- 2029-2031 – Student system implementation